Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tie Dye Shoes!

Take your old white sneakers and turn it into something new! Tie Dye it!

Start with your white shoes:
Then, get all of your Tie Dye supplies out. Get the shoes damp by running them under water. Then pick out which colors you will use. With each color make random blobs all around the shoe to make it look like the original Tie Dye. You can also make lines around the shoe with the colors.
When your done it will look like this:

When your all done put the shoes in a bag(Each shoe in a different bag) and wait 24 hours for it dry. After 24 hours your Tie Dye shoes are done!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Decorate Your Phone Charger

You can decorate you phone charger by painting it with Mod Podge! Mod Podge is a type of glue(You can get it at any craft store!) Sprinkle glitter in the Mod Podge, and paint it on your charger. The Mod Podge dries clear so all you will see is the glitter! If you decide you need more glitter just sprinkle some on top. Then do a couple of coats of Mod Podge(by itself no glitter) over the charger. This will make it smooth, and the glitter won't fall off. Credit to for this tutorial.

If you don't have the supplies to do this, or don't feel like going out and buying them you can also decorate your charger with finger nail polish, and sharpies!

Beaded Nails

Want your nails to look like those tumblr girls out there? Its easy! Use beads on your nails! These beads are super small, and usually come in packs with fingernail polish. You can buy these in Aeropostale, Sephora, and sometimes you can find them at Forever 21. Here's an example: 
What you need to do:
Once you get your kit..or just find beads that are small enough around your house, begin painting your nails with fingernail polish. Do one nail at a time(It will look better this way.) Put 2 coats of nail polish on, then when it is still wet sprinkle the beads on. When I did this I put my finger over a cup so the beads didn't get all over the place. Then gently push on the beads so they stick on the nail polish. Put a clear coat over it. Do this for each nail! 

And that's it! I hope you try this easy nail design! was used for this tutorial